How to look after your drains in the winter

The frigid temperatures and the constant wind and snow could ruin your home's systems , not to mention your drainage system. To ensure you stay clear of any drainage or plumbing issues during this typically miserable time of the season, our team of experts has compiled 5 essential suggestions to help ensure that your drainage system is in top shape in the midst of these cold snaps.

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1. Check your system for any issues.

Examine all the components of your drainage system to ensure the complete drainage system is clean and is ready to take on any elements that might throw at it.

The blocked gutters and downpipes stop excessive water from draining from the roof in a proper manner and causing water to flood in or around the home. As time passes, and if they are not addressed this accumulation of moisture can cause major structural problems, so remove leaves, mud and other debris today to avoid a lot of trouble later.

Also, check all your pipes for obstructions and leaks as well as damaged parts that may require repair. This is the same for your the gully pots, slot drains and channel drains. Go through them using the aid of a small tooth comb! If you're not keen on doing this by yourself, or prefer to bring the experts to take an examination of your drains, don't hesitate to call our knowledgeable drainage engineers to get assistance. We're available to help unblock your drains and gullies. We also have vent pipes and stack pipes and gutters!


2. Take care of that your drains for surface water are in good condition.

Surface water drains are put under significant stress during periods of intense rain. They're working to their limits during this time of the year, since the soakaways that serve them are battling the rising water tables, and are struggling to disperse excess water.

It's impossible to stop the heavens from opening, but you can ensure the drains you connect to are robust, durable and free of obstructions which could cause unattractive (and unpleasant!) surface flooding.

If you think your soakaways aren't performing well then it might be the time to upgrade them. Get in touch with DC Merrett to arrange a no-cost site visit to determine whether your home could benefit by a new installation of soakaway.


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3. Make sure that your heating is kept at a minimum

If you're feeling cold It's tempting to turn up the heat and give your home a swift blast of warmth. However, when pipes have to endure cold winter weather There's a possibility that the water inside pipes will begin to expand and freeze and expand, which will put an enormous amount of pressure on the structure of the pipe. Any sudden shift in temperature could be too intense and cause ruptures and breaks.

The solution? Make sure your central heating is at a constant temperature to reduce the chance of freezing pipes. Also, you should let any pressure that has built up by turning off all faucets in your home for a few minutes before providing the boiler with a thorough run-through.

If you think your pipes are frozen, place an old cloth in hot water, then wrap it around your pipes to help them melt.

It is also possible to make your pipes more insulated to avoid excessive heat loss and prevent the pipes from expanding, contracting and then exploding with the fluctuation in temperature.


4. Check the stopcock.

It's amazing by how many of our clients do not even know the location of their stopcock! It's true that you typically just need to find your stop valve in emergency situation, such as when you're in the middle of a flood and you're required to cut off your water supply right away.

As with every other component that is part of the water supply system your stopcock is susceptible to corroding in time, which can lead to the dreaded leaks. It is recommended to open and close it handful of times every two weeks to ensure that it's functioning properly.


5. Make any repairs that are required immediately.

It doesn't matter whether it's the faucet is leaking or it's an entire blocked downpipe. If you notice a problem in any aspect of your drainage or plumbing system You must resolve it as soon as possible. The issue will only continue to get worse if left untreated - perhaps and with devastating outcomes!

If you want expert advice and speedy high-quality results Give DC Merrett a call. We provide a wide range of drainage solutions for business and homeowners in the Gloucester region, as well as emergency plumbing services that can assist our customers in tackling any winter-related drainage issues that might arise.